Kelly SHU™ Microphone Mounting System

The Kelly SHU™ Microphone Mounting System is here to provide you an easy, reliable means of supporting your drum microphones. For Isolation and care free support for your standard kick and tom drum microphones, trust nothing other than The Kelly SHU™ system. Our patented design utilizes the drum shell itself as a shock-mount framework for the support cord system.

Available in two different models which are designed to accommodate conventional dynamic microphones and our unique Kelly SHU FLATZ™ system which is specifically engineered to support 4 of the most popular kick drum boundary microphones used for internal miking of the the kick drum.

Trust what the Pro’s use! Trust The Kelly SHU™ System.

We are currently fixing an ecommerce problem. For the financial safety of our valued customers, we have currently disabled the Kelly SHU online shop until we can get the security patched up on our site.

If you would like to place an order while we fix our system, please email or call (402)421-1169 and we will be happy to help. We apologize for any inconvenience. - Kelly SHU Central.

Thank You,

Team Kelly SHU